主人說宜蘭運動公園占地二十七公頃,有精心設計的大草坪,非常適合我們去遊玩,只要處理好便便。我們特別喜歡園內的火車頭,聽說它自民國四十二年起,奔駛於基隆至高雄間,時速可達百餘公里。公園風景優美,到處都有我們最愛的樹木 (可以抬腳尿一下)。今天雖然沒有藍天白雲,但是綠草如茵的大草坪已經夠讓我們舒展筋骨了。
As long as our stools are properly handled, my owner says Yi-lan Sports Park is a suitable place for us because it covers twenty-seven acres with well-designed large lawns. We particularly like the locomotive. People said it had driven between Keelung to Kaohsiung since 1953 at a top speed up to hundreds of kilometers. This scenic park is full of our favorite trees everywhere (a good place for our urine). Today it is not a blue sky with white clouds, but the large grassy lawn is enough for us to exercise.