今早前往一處可以讓我們盡情遊玩的的好地方 - 新北市石碇淡蘭古道。它是清代就存在的要道。在「淡蘭古道藝文館」的對面,進去就可找到淡蘭古道的入口。遠遠看著吊橋,下方綠澄澄的溪水真是清澈乾淨。沿途大自然風光令人陶醉。這次沒有走到吊橋,下次有機會再來征服。
This morning we went to a good place where we enjoyed the trip a lot – DanLan Ancient Road ShiDing Section in New Taipei City. It has existed since the Qing Dynasty. Opposite to DanLan Art Museum, we found the entrance leading to the trail. We saw a suspension bridge that seemed far away and the stream was really clear and clean. Moreover, the natural scenery along the way was fascinating. This time we did not reach to the bridge, maybe next time we would conquer it.